Doctor McWacky’s Thingamabobbers

Halloo everyone!
I just recently entered this short story into a contest. Please email me or comment below and tell me what you think of it! :D

I stood before the old, brick building, staring up at it with wonderment. My eyes read the vibrantly painted sign again: Doctor McWacky’s Thingamabobbers.

“Not many high schoolers will be able to say when they graduate, ‘My first job was at McWacky’s!'” I thought, hesitantly approaching the door.

A bell rang as I entered. Immediately, I was overwhelmed by all of the strange objects in the shop. I turned in a circle, trying to take it all in. He had everything. Everything from knives stuck in rocks to stuffed, polkadot banana slugs complete with slime.

“Welcome to McWacky’s!!” a high-pitched voice laughed, and my skin began to crawl. But, I forced myself to turn around and greet him.

“May I help you?!” McWacky exclaimed, his big, gray eyes nearly crossed.

“No,” I said, shyly, “I’m here to work. Remember, you–”

“AH HA!” he exclaimed loudly, nodding. He turned back toward his desk where he had tools and watchamacallits.

“Well,” he declared, “Let’s get to work, then!”

I slowly walked behind the counter as Doctor McWacky began working. Peeking over his shoulder, I saw him sewing the ripped off head of a teddy bear onto a stuffed duck. A second later, he was sharpening a sword with intricate markings. Sparks flew everywhere; I busied myself with making sure nothing caught on fire. And then, he began tearing out pages of a book, mumbling quietly.

Finally, I plucked up the courage to ask, “So… what about me?”

Doctor McWacky paused. He slowly turned around. His frazzled gray hair stuck up in all areas, making him look like a mad scientist with his white apron.

“Oh, yes… you,” he said, with a low voice that nearly frightened me. Suddenly, he turned and walked toward the shelf that was farthest from the exit. Reluctantly, I followed. The shelf he approached was so dusty, I was sure it hadn’t been touched for centuries. But then, he reached up to the top shelf and pressed something. Without warning, the book shelf moved forward. McWacky laughed as he jumped out of the way. I gasped loudly as a hallway was revealed. And then, before I knew what I was doing, I was following McWacky down the secret passageway.

My mouth was ajar as we entered a chamber with concrete floors and high ceilings. There was a control panel near the door and many wires and cords on the floor and ceiling, but other than that, the room was empty. Wide-eyed, I strode out onto the floor, looking up and around. This was crazy.

“Ah! Perfect!” the Doctor exclaimed, standing over by the control panel. I turned to face him.

“Don’t move!” he ordered, beginning to chuckle. Discombobulated, I looked down. My heart raced as I saw it. I stood on a red ‘X’. I glanced up as McWacky began laughing hysterically. He had his hand on a large lever.

“And have fun!” he screamed. And before I could react, he pulled the lever.

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Emma
    Jun 28, 2012 @ 03:49:30

    That is really cool! Are you going to post more??????



  2. Emma
    Jun 28, 2012 @ 03:49:30

    That is really cool! Are you going to post more??????



  3. Emma
    Jun 28, 2012 @ 03:49:59

    That is really good! Are you going to post more???????



  4. Emma
    Jun 28, 2012 @ 03:49:59

    That is really good! Are you going to post more???????



  5. Emma
    Jun 28, 2012 @ 03:51:21

    aaahhhh!!! Sorry! accident pressed the botton for comment on there alot! Sorry!



  6. Emma
    Jun 28, 2012 @ 03:51:21

    aaahhhh!!! Sorry! accident pressed the botton for comment on there alot! Sorry!



  7. sophixiegirl
    Jul 06, 2012 @ 01:43:57




  8. Anonymous
    Aug 12, 2012 @ 22:15:08

    Hee hee, thanks guys! Sorry I haven’t replied… My blog has been not notifying me when you’re commenting. :] But, I’m sorry to say, that this is all there is. :P ;) It’s supposed to be a short story… but it turned out to be more like an opening scene… Haha.



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